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VBeam Laser Treatment

A VBeam Laser may improve visible skin conditions such as

  • Wrinkles

  • Stretch Marks

  • Acne Bacteria/Redness

  • Rosacea

  • Veins

  • Scars and many marks that are visible.

Most patients can see results immediately or for some cases results depend on the numbers of treatment.


How is the New VBeam different from the old VBeam?

In today's new technology, there are 8 micro-pulse sequences, which there is more pulses to distribute the total energy. There is uniform distribution across the entire pulse and is very consistent.

How does laser work?

The 595nm wavelength target oxyhemoglobin in the blood vessels, by varying the pulse duration, treatment can be performed purpurically by rupturing the blood vessel, or sub-purpurically by slowing heating the vessel causing coagulation of the blood vessel.

Pigmented Lesion Handpiece (4 Steps)

1.Pigment lesion handpiece is lowered on to skin

2.Compression evacuates blood from vessel so Melanin is targeted

3.Utilizing 8 Micro-pulse technology and compression, the laser targets melanin in the skin

4.Handpiece is lifted, Blood returns to vessel, visible reduction in melanin result

Schedule a service Today at REALR skin care clinic by call or text 857-370-9707.

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